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Learn Data Structures And Algorithms

Want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms? Maybe start a new career? RMIT Online courses are co-designed with industry and purpose built for online study. The future of work starts here.

What Are Data Structures And Algorithms?

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) are the building blocks of computer programs. Every single day, the world creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, and over 90 per cent of all data was made in the last two years. For computers and systems to do their jobs, they need to store data, retrieve it quickly, and perform efficient computations. Data Structures and Algorithms are what makes this possible. They make coding scalable, faster and more efficient.

So what is Data Structures and Algorithms? Well, data structures are just named locations that are used to store and organise data. And algorithms are a set of instructions to perform a specific task or solve a specific problem. Algorithms can’t run without good data structures, and data structures need algorithms to turn raw information into practical tasks. If you want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms, this is a great place to start.

Why Work With Data Structures And Algorithms?

If you’re looking for a career as a Software Engineer, Programmer, Data Scientist or Full Stack Developer, you’ll need to learn Data Structures and Algorithms. They crop up in every technical interview. At RMIT Online, you’ll learn algorithmic techniques for solving all sorts of computational coding problems. It’s an immersive, hands-on course.

It’s also a field with excellent career potential. SEEK projects over 35% growth for Software Engineers over the next five years, with salaries around $103,000 per annum. Data Science is also booming, with 12% expected job growth and a median salary of $130,000. There’s never been a better time to upskill in Data Structures and Algorithms.

Here are some careers that draw on Data Structures and Algorithms:

  • Software Engineer
  • Java Developer
  • Game Developer
  • Data SQL Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Warehousing Developer
  • Data Analyst

5 Reasons To Learn Data Structures & Algorithms

It’s in demand

Nearly everything we see, from smart TVs to traffic signals, relies on programming and user commands. This makes Data Structures & Algorithms one of the world’s most fundamental, sought-after tech skills. It’s almost a pre-requisite for software development and engineering.

It’s a growth area

Careers in Data Structures and Algorithms tend to pay very well. According to Indeed, Software Engineers in Australia earn (on average), $95,000 per annum. Principle Engineers can earn far more, around $151,000. Software Architects average around $134,000.

It hones your soft skills

Employers don’t just value Data Structures and Algorithms for their practical use – they’re evidence of important soft skills, like creativity and problem solving. Without a solid understanding of algorithms, engineers and developers will struggle to optimise their code.

It opens doors

If you’re looking to code for one of the big tech giants, like Amazon, Microsoft, Google or Facebook, learning Data Structures and Algorithms will give you a competitive edge. It teaches you the science of evaluating the efficiency (and scalability) of an algorithm.

It’s easy to learn

If you’ve got some previous coding experience – whether it’s in Java, C++ or Python – learning Data Structures and Algorithms shouldn’t be too hard. Even if you’re a programming novice, anyone can upskill in Data Structures and Algorithms.

Data Structures And Algorithms Careers

Why learn Data Structures and Algorithms? Well, if you’re set on a career in software engineering, development or programming, Data Structures & Algorithms will simply make you better. Even though we use library functions for the bulk of modern-day coding, Data Structures and Algorithms will teach you the logic behind those functions. They can help you code cleaner, more elegantly and more efficiently.

Big tech employers are also putting an increasing premium on Data Structures and Algorithms qualifications. They’re a good way to judge a candidate’s creativity, analytical reasoning and problem solving ability.

Here are just a few careers you might consider within Data Structures and Algorithms:

How To Learn Data Structures And Algorithms For Beginners

Learning Data Structures and Algorithms is a great way to jump into basic programming, even if you have limited experience. You’ll learn different methods of manipulating data structures, some basic search and sort algorithms, and more advanced techniques, like dynamic programming and graph algorithms.

Our learning content is purpose built for online study and our curriculum is divided into easy-to-follow units Each unit combines interactive webinars, 1-on-1 tutorials, group work and practical coding tasks. The ultimate goal is to give you the skills you need for a career in in Data Structures and Algorithms.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll need.

  • Commitment. Our course content is divided into bite sized chunks, and designed to fit in around your schedule. We recommend studying a few hours every day to stay committed and on track.
  • Notes. Your RMIT Online mentors will encourage you to take lots of notes. It’s a good way to flag any potential problems.
  • Collaboration. As part of your course, you’ll be working with qualified software engineers. You’ll also have access to an online peer community.
  • Knowledge. Data Structures and Algorithms are evolving all the time. We’ll help you stay up-to-date with the latest methodologies.
  • Resources. There are plenty of helpful coding resources out there. These can help during the course, or even after completion.

Learn About Data Structures And Algorithms

This is the best place to start your coding journey. Read as much as you can. Ask questions. Contact one of our RMIT Online course counsellors. You can find all of our Data Structures and Algorithms news and coverage below.

RMIT Online Data Structures And Algorithms Courses

RMIT Online is one of Australia’s top software training providers. We offer a range of Data Structures and Algorithms courses and credentials, depending on your career goals and experience. Each course is design in partnership with industry experts to give you a practical, hands-on intro to Data Structures and Algorithms.

Topics And Courses Similar To Data Structures And Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms are just one part of software engineering. If you’d like to expand your CV, RMIT Online also offers courses in Python, Java, Data Science, DevOps and iOS App Development with Swift. Check out come of our related programs below.

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