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Graphic based on icons that represent product management, lifecycling, and artificial intelligence

On the Couch: Reimagining Product Management in the age of generative AI

AI is becoming an integral part of many industries, including product management. According to a recent IBM survey, product managers rank among the top 10 user groups leveraging AI within organisations.Additionally, Netflix made headlines last year when they announced that they were hiring AI Product Managers and offering a staggering salary range of up to $900,000. This move underscores the value companies place on integrating AI expertise into their product management teams to stay ahead in a competitive market.As we look to the future, the role of AI in product management is set to transform the industry in unprecedented ways. From automating routine tasks to providing deep insights through data analytics, AI can enhance productivity, streamline processes, and foster creativity.RMIT Online invites you to join the next On the Couch series exploring the future of product management in the age of generative AI, with industry experts from REA Group, Slack and Concentrix Catalyst. We invite you to share any questions you might have ahead of the event to help shape the discussion. The panel will also address:
  • AI-powered decision making
  • Ethical AI and responsible innovation
  • Strategies for integrating AI into product management practices
  • Overcoming challenges associated with integrating AI
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