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Blockchain in conversation

In conversation with Blockchain graduate Brooke Jamieson

Life after completing Developing Blockchain Strategy short course.

If you’ve turned on the television, picked up a newspaper, or even stepped outside your place of residence recently, you’ve probably heard about bitcoin. It’s the buzziest word around town. But the truth is, bitcoin is only a small part of blockchain’s potential, with its impact and reach extending far beyond cryptocurrencies.


It’s been said that blockchain is to bitcoin what internet is to google.


Bitcoin runs on blockchain, but the possibilities don’t stop there. Universities are embracing the technology, and using it to use store digital credentials, and David Treat, Managing Director and Global Blockchain Lead for Accenture recently spoke to us on his groundbreaking work on a United Nations-supported project to provide legal identification for 1.1 billion people worldwide.

We recently sat down with Brooke Jamieson, graduate from RMIT’s Blockchain Strategy course. She spoke to us about why blockchain matters (even in her field of marketing), found out about her dedicated YouTube channel and got some tips for anyone interested in learning more about it.  Check it out.


This article was originally published on 8 August 2018